2019 – 2020


DEIS: Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools

Delivering Equality of Opportunity in Schools (DEIS), the Action Plan for Educational Inclusion, was launched in 2005 and remains the Department of Education and Skills policy instrument to address educational disadvantage. The Action Plan focuses on addressing and prioritising the educational needs of children and disadvantaged communities, from pre-school through second level education (3 – 18 years). Pobalscoil Iosolde was accepted into the DEIS scheme.
DEIS provides a standardised system for identifying levels of disadvantage and an integrated School Support Programme (SSP).
The action plan is, therefore, one element of continuum of interventions to address disadvantage, which include second chance education and training and access measures for adults to support increased participation by under represented groups in further and higher education.

The action plan is grounded in the belief that:
every child and young person deserves an equal chance to access, participate in and benefit from education
each person should have the opportunity to reach his/her full potential for personal, social and economic reasons
education is a critical factor in promoting social inclusion and economic development.

The wellbeing of the young person is critical in this support

The plan will both complement and support efforts at national and European level to bring about social cohesion and economic progress. The Lisbon Strategy, The Agreed Programme for Government, The Social Partnership Agreement, Sustaining Progress, The National Anti-Poverty Strategy and the National Action Plans against poverty and social exclusion are all catalysts for a new approach.

Priorities which are directly linked to the School DEIS Plan
Overall School Priorities


To improve student retention in the school


To improve student attendance


To promote a whole school approach to literacy


To promote a whole school approach to numeracy

To establish wellbeing as a central component in the curriculum

Educational Attainment and Progression

To encourage all students to achieve their academic potential
To continually strive to raise student expectations
To ensure that all students receive and complete homework appropriate to their level of ability
To acquire an adaptable attitude to learning
To continue to develop Assessment for Learning
To provide Educational support to students who require it.

Partnership with parents/guardians and the community

To promote the involvement of parents /guardians in the education of their children
To promote the involvement of the community in the education of the students
To provide opportunities for parents/guardians to reflect/comment on the education of their son/daughter

Other priorities linked to the DEIS areas

To uphold the principle of respect throughout the whole school by continuing to embed a very structured Code of Behaviour and by continuing to review same
To promote a happy and secure learning environment
To continually strive to ensure the mental and physical wellbeing of all our students
To promote the use of technology in all areas throughout the school
To promote the Behavioural Strategy Group throughout the school

Aims, Objectives and Action Plan


Aim: To ensure all students complete second level education

Every student will complete junior cycle

Smart Target
At least 95% of students will complete senior cycle

Action Plan
Provision of a comprehensive transfer programme to all incoming students
The Attendance Officer will inform all relevant staff, the DEIS attendance committee and parents/guardians regarding any student deemed to be at risk or other issues related to attendance. The DEIS attendance committee will meet weekly to discuss these students
Provision of the most comprehensive curriculum possible
Provision of all second level educational programmes ratified by the Department of Education and Skills
Provision of initiatives under school programmes (e.g. J.C.S.P.)
Provision by the HSCL Co-ordinator of initiatives that promote parental involvement in their children’s learning
Involvement by the HSCL Co-ordinator in the provision of initiatives for the purpose of improving school retention
Involvement of the SCP Co-0rdinator in the provision of initiatives for the purpose of school retention.
Provision of targeted home visits by the HSCL Co-ordinator and School Completion Co-ordinator to students deemed at risk
Provision of counselling to students/parents of students deemed at risk
Referral to other agencies as deemed necessary
Provision of necessary educational assessments that NEPS are unable to provide
Provision of extra resources for autistic students in a designated unit when available
Provision of supervised Lunch Room in conjunction with SCP of targeted students
Provision of Games Room in conjunction with SCP for tergeted students


Aim: To increase the attendance and punctuality of students

To reward students with excellent attendance
To encourage improved attendance
To encourage improved behaviour in students
To target students with very poor attendance
To target students with very poor punctuality

Smart Targets
To decrease the percentage of students absent for more that 20 days (currently 7.5%) by 2% (certified absences not included)
To decrease that percentage of students absent for more that 8 days (currently 28.4%) by 2% (certified absences not included)
To increase the number of visits by HSCL to parents of students with very poor attendance by 3%
To improve attendance and decrease the number of lates by the support and work of the SCP Co-ordinator with targeted students

Action Plan
The award system will continue to recognise, commend and encourage excellent attendance
The award system will enable students with excellent attendance to win awards during and at the end of the school year
The Behavioural Support Group will focus on lates and attendance in 2019/2020
Tutors and Year Heads will contact parents/guardians of a targeted number of students regarding a persistent lack of punctuality and attendance
HSCL will increase the number of visits to parents of chronic absentees. SCP will support targeted students.


Aim: To improve the level of literacy among students

To ensure that student both know and understand all key words
To encourage students to write more expansively, logically and clearly
To ensure that all students from 1st year onwards apply a more structured approach to paragraph formation
To encourage students to think and argue more logically
To encourage students in 1st year to read and review at least two novels (outside the school curriculum) in class during the school year
To improve students’ oral literacy skills
To improve written literacy
To encourage students to draft and redraft their work

Smart Targets
To improve the literacy level of each student by 2% in the first two years
100% of students in Second Year will deliver a three minute presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course
100% of Second Year students will complete four reworked assignments, of a standard commensurate with their abilities, in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course
The reading ages of targeted students improve by at least one year

Action Plan
Key words will be pre-taught and recorded by students in all subject areas, the subject area of evaluation of this process are Geography and Science in first year.

Students in first year who are doing Geography and Science will be tested first to establish their understanding of the key words.

Post teaching and learning of the key words the students will be restested.

The tests will be evaluated by the SET team and will decide what interventions are required..

An attitudinal survey will be carried out with the first year students in January re the teaching of key words

The questions, who, what, when, where, how and why will be used by all teachers in all subject areas to encourage students to write more expansively, logically and clearly

The literacy policy will be regularly reviewed
DEIS initiatives such as reading week, literacy policy, storytelling initiative, lunchtime reading club for targeted (JCSP) students, reading challenges, paired reading programme, visiting librarian session, visiting writer, book club initiatives, parent practical session will be used to improve reading, general literacy skills and oral literacy skills and written literacy skills. These initiatives will be reviewed on an ongoing basis
The literacy level of every incoming First year will be assessed using the GRT and then at the end of Second year/beginning of Third year. These will be tested again in fourth Year using GRT again. Parents will be given results of each test at information evenings.

A vocabulary enrichment programme will be carried out with first years and targeted students in other year groups.
Students will deliver a three minute oral presentation in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course.
SEN Department will support Targeted students
Students will submit four reworked assignments in accordance with the new Junior Cycle English course


Aim: To improve the level of numeracy among students

Every teacher will integrate numeracy strategies into their teaching

To demonstrate to students that numeracy skills have an application in everyday life

Smart Target
To improve numeracy by at least 2% between 1st year and 4th year using the CAT4 Quantitative results.
To increase the percentage of students who feel confident working on problem solving questions
To increase the percentage of students taking higher level Maths at Junior Certificate level by 2%
To improve competency in numeracy by 5% in First and Second year
To increase Team Teaching in Maths

Action Plan
The numeracy level of every incoming 1st year student will be assessed using the Cognitive Ability Test CAT 4 Level E. /DRT The numeracy levels of these students will be tested again in 4th year using CAT4 Level G. Parents will be informed of the result of each test at information evenings.
A TY student numeracy committee will be set up
DEIS initiatives such as Paired Maths with First years and Fourth years , Ipad games to improve Maths, the numeracy programme, Flashmaster maths challenge, maths week, and practical sessions for parents/guardians will be used to improve skills in numeracy. These initiatives will be reviewed on an annual basis
Numeracy Ninja’s will be completed with all first years by one of the core SET team. This intervention will also be carried out with three second year classes and two third year groups, the latter are targeted groups. The groups will be tested pre and post intervention.
Teachers will avail of every opportunity to include numeracy in their teaching
Teachers of all subjects will be directed to refer to examination results and to CAT 4 assessment (together with application to work etc.) when allocating students to appropriate classes
Using the CAT 4 results from 1st and 4th year, it will be ascertained if numeracy levels have increased by 2% in that time span. There will be an annual review of same

Educational attainment and progression

Aim: To maximise student academic potential

To identify students’ learning styles and inform students and parents/guardians of the results
To promote the attainment of higher grades in state examinations
To block as many subjects as possible to ensure that an increasing number of students receive the opportunity to sit the highest level in these subjects
To expand students’ higher order thinking skills by encouraging use of the questions who, what, when, where, how and why in all classes at every opportunity
To provide the widest possible subject choice in order to maximise the students’ talents and abilities
To provide the widest possible range of school programmes so as to ensure placement of all students in suitable recognised DES programmes (Junior Certificate, Junior Certificate School Programme, Transition Year, Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme and Leaving Certificate Applied)
To ensure cross-curricular targets are met
To ensure that students with special educational needs are supported in their learning by providing each student with an individual educational plan, including a review at the end of every academic year.
To ensure that students are placed in class groups commensurate with their abilities
To ensure that students underachieving receive appropriate support to rectify the situation
To track, analyse and monitor all students from First Year

Smart targets
To ensure that there is an annual review and plan put in place by each Subject Department to promote 2% increase in the number of students achieving A, B, and C grades at higher level in the Junior Certificate and H1 to H5 in the Leaving Certificate in both higher and ordinary level
Each Subject Department will work towards an annual percentage increase that ( at least 2%) of the student cohort will sit the state examinations at higher level and gain at least a grade D in the Junior Certificate and a H7 in the Leaving Certificate

Action Plan
Students will be informed and understand their preferred learning styles through the CAT 4 test/DRT and parents/guardians will be informed and given the results
The state examination results will be analysed and presented to staff each year by the Deputy Principal. Each subject department will formulate an action plan on how to maximise the percentage taking higher levels in a subject and the number achieving higher grades
Every subject department will produce a comprehensive subject plan with common schemes of work and action plans to enable a co-ordinated consistent approach to teaching and assessment in the subject
Differentiation will be used in the classroom to enable every student engage in classwork to the best of his/her ability. It will also be used to maximise student potential
Revision plans will be prepared with students for each subject prior to all examinations
All subjects will continue to be blocked at Leaving Certificate and as many subjects as possible will be blocked in Transition year and at Junior Cycle
All subjects. in as far as possible, studied at junior cycle will be available at senior cycle
A number of senior students will be given the opportunity to study an additional subject for Leaving Certificate.
Leaving Certificate students will assess their results, calculate their points and set targets
Tracking of students will be ongoing
Students will be banded in accordance with the CAT4 entrance test results. These results will be reviewed by the by the Guidance Counsellor, the Deputy Principal and the Principal.
Teachers will input details of students’ progress digitally on an annual basis. These results will then be analysed by the Guidance Counsellor, Deputy Principal and Year Heads.
In Senior Cycle, all results will be tracked and students’ results will be converted into CAO points. This information will be sent home to parents in September in Sixth Year and after the Mock Exams.
Students’ results will be constantly monitored and evaluated
Students with special needs, irrespective of need or difficulty, will continue to be catered for within the inclusive classroom through a variety of supports such as differentiation of material, access to a Special Needs Assistant, team teaching and withdrawal for resource support, the provision of smaller class groups with the opportunity to study optional subjects
The school will strive to ensure that any student needing reasonable accommodation will be facilitated in house examinations and in state examinations
Teachers will engage in cross-curricular planning and their implementation into the relevant programmes, JCSP, JCT, TY, and LCA
During mock examinations exact examination conditions will be replicated, including the provision of mock practicals and orals
All eligible students will be encouraged to participate in the Trinity Access Programme, where possible, in order to increase their motivation for achieving excellent Leaving Certificate results, which would enable them to proceed to third level education
The Board of Management will continue to provide Gaeltacht Scholarships each year and students will be encouraged to avail of these
The HSCL Co-ordinator will organise a number of events, programmes and courses for parents/guardians of students to enable the students engage better with the academic challenges of school
The SCP Co-ordinator will mentor tatgeted students
After school supervised study will be provided three days a week for students. Supervised study will be provided at Easter break. Priority will be given to 3rd and 6th year students. A homework club will also be provided for junior students
Study skills will be introduced for 1st year students, thus focusing on student aspirations at a much earlier stage
Every student is to receive written formative feedback every two weeks in each subject. 

Students will be surveyed in january 2020 re how ofter they received feedback  and again at the end of the academic year. These results will be evaluated and the process reviewed.

The parents/guardians will be surveyed re Formative feedback at the Parents Teacher meetings

Teachers will use exit cards once every two weeks

Letters will be sent to parents/guardians regarding study skills, giving information and advice regarding their child’s education and study. Key dates in 2019-2020 will be given to all students and parents/guardians. This information will be available on the school’s website

To improve attainment and progression of each student, as many classes as is possible will be taught in a co teaching environment. 

Aim To continually strive to raise students expectations


To provide students with career guidance at key junctures in students’ lives

To develop partnership with 3rd level institutions

To increase student involvement in the Trinity Access Programme
To develop partnership with local businesses
To provide students with role models who took various successful career paths
To provide opportunities for mentoring through the past pupil alumni

Smart Targets
To maintain the number of students involved in the Trinity access Programme
To involve the whole school in College Awareness Week in November
To participate in as many awareness campaigns as possible e.g. Engineers Week, STEM Week, Seachtain na Gaeilge, Maths Week etc.
To increase the number of students continuing on to Third Level Education by 2%

Action Plan
Career guidance will be provided at key junctures in students’ lives to enable them make informed decisions
SEN students will attend a Disabilities Open Day to access and be fully informed of the range of services available. This will be done as part of College Awareness Week for the standard Leaving Certificate students and during the Clondalkin Fair for LCA students
A speaker will be brought in to assist and support in the transition of students with SEN and other concerns
Fully updated psychological assessments will be done to support SEN students make the transition
Students will continue to attend 3rd level and PLC Open days
Students will continue to engage in the Trinity Access Programme
Students will continue to participate in work experience in the local and wider community as an integral part of the Transition year, LCA and LCVP programmes
The school will continue to arrange visits to businesses in the local and wider community, such as Liberty IT in Blanchardstown
Presentations will be given to students by representatives of successful entrepreneurs, business people, educationalists and from other careers
A ‘Rapid Careers’ event will take place where people from different career paths will come in and Second year students get a few minutes to talk to each of them
To develop the links with past students in order to create opportunities for student mentoring
To provide transition year students with taster subjects relevant to third level courses in order to inform students and broaden their expectations

Aim: To acquire an adaptable attitude to learning

To identify students’ learning styles and inform students and parents/guardians of the results
Teachers will continue to adapt their teaching styles to deal with students experiencing learning difficulties
Teachers will use a variety of teaching styles to cater for the multiple intelligences. Assessment for Learning techniques will be used and incorporated into classroom teaching

Smart target
Reoccurring evaluation through formal and informal assessment

Action Plan
Students will be informed and understand their preferred learning styles through the CAT 4 test/ DRT and parents/guardians will be informed of the results
A Study Booklet will be given to students by the Guidance Counsellor to focus upon learning and grades
Project work will continue to encourage skills of analysis and reflection at junior cycle. Students will acquire generic learning skills, problem solving skills, research skills, skills of analysis, synthesis and other higher order thinking skills and they will acquire the ability to transfer these skills to the work place and to their personal lives Resources will include templates
Transition year, Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme will be utilised to develop entrepreneurship at senior cycle
The Special Needs Department will give all staff a presentation on the various learning difficulties experienced by specific students at the beginning of the school year. Useful strategies and teaching methodologies will be identified. Staff will receive regular reminders at staff briefings and at staff meetings about differentiated learning.
In-service training will continue to be provided to staff regarding the use of IT and other resources to facilitate Assessment for Learning
Information boards will be displayed throughout the school
Learning turned Interactive- teachers will use Twitter, Edmodu etc to encourage a proactive learning mind frame

Aim: To ensure that all students receive and complete homework that is
appropriate to their level of ability

To continue to embed and implement the homework policy
To devise a homework plan for all classes within each subject
To provide students with regular homework appropriate to the subject
To ensure that students are fully informed and understand all homework given
To review our current homework policy

Smart target
To pilot one subject i.e. maths and to seek to improve completion rates from 50% to 60% by use of weekly homework assignments

Action Plan
Teachers will follow the school homework policy
Subject departments will include a homework plan in each subject plan
Teachers will include a homework plan for all classes in their schemes of work
Teachers will ensure that students write all homework in the journal
Teachers will ensure that all students are given regular homework and fully understand how to complete it
Differentiated homework will be assigned to students to ensure that all ability levels are catered for and student potential is maximised
A staff homework committee has been set up to review the current homework policy
A homework club will be offered to a number of targeted students to assist with understanding and completion of assigned homework
Night study will be offered to all students. Third and Fifth year students will be targeted
Maths teachers will give weekly homework assignments to students and monitor whether this has an effect on homework completion rates

Aim: To improve student learning by the further development of Assessment for Learning in every classroom

To provide students with objectives for every lesson and assess their achievement
To ensure that student both know and understand all key words
To use a variety of AFL resources, such as traffic lights, show me boards, place mats, tarsias and rubrics, to improve student learning
To integrate differentiated learning into all learning
To enable teachers assess and improve their teaching and thus improve student learning through feedback gained through Assessment for Learning

Smart Target
To increase each students knowledge and understanding
To enable each student to be meaningfully and actively involved in their learning
To increase students understanding and engagement by 90% through formal assessment

Action Plan
At the beginning of every lesson objective(s) will be placed on the board
At the conclusion of every lesson the achieving of the objective(s) for the lesson will be reviewed with students
Key words will be pre-taught to students
Feedback will be sought from students at the end of every topic
Teachers will use “show me boards” to assess student learning
Teachers will use “traffic lights” to assess student learning
Pair work and group work will be used with students, where appropriate in order to enable students learn more effectively
A variety of tools, such as tarsias, rubrics and placemats will be utilised to involve students in the learning process and improve student learning
Teachers will adjust and improve their teaching based on the information received from assessment for learning techniques implemented

Partnership with parents/guardians and the community

Aim: To promote partnership with parents/guardians

To involve parents/guardians in literacy and numeracy programmes devised for junior cycle
To improve communication and transfer of information between the school and the home
To familiarise and engage parents/guardians in their child/children’s education process

Smart Targets
To increase the number of parents involved in school activities / courses by 2%
To increase the amount of contact with parents by 2%

Action Plan
As part of our improvement plan regarding transfer of all students we will provide a Summer meeting and small group meetings/individual meetings with parents/guardians
Parents/guardians will be enabled to provide practical support to their children in the areas of literacy and numeracy
Parents/guardians will be invited to attend a practical session on how to help their children in English and mathematics
All parents/guardians of incoming 1st year students will receive a transfer pack
1st year parents/guardians will be invited to coffee mornings/evening in the school in September
All parents/guardians will be invited to attend parent teacher meetings for each of their children annually
All parents/guardians will be given the opportunity to participate in a range of courses/classes in the school
Parents/guardians will receive information letters and newsletters at regular intervals throughout the school year
The school website will be updated regularly
The HSCL Co-ordinator will make targeted home visits throughout the school year
Parents/guardians will be invited attend the PTA meetings and become a member of the committee
Parents/guardians will be invited to become members of the local committee
Parents/guardians will be consulted regarding school review and development
Parents/guardians will engage in consultation with the career guidance teacher regarding their sons/daughters preferred learning style and educational progression. They are also welcome to consult with the guidance counsellor at any stage throughout the year

Aim: To promote partnership with others

To develop partnership with 3rd level institutions
To develop partnership with local primary schools
To develop partnership with local businesses
To develop partnership with members of the local and wider community
To develop partnership with local agencies

Smart Targets
To increase the number of visits to local Primary school by 2%
To increase the participation of parents and members of the local community in courses in the school by 5%

Action Plan
Students will continue to attend 3rd level and PLC Open days
The school will continue to improve the transfer programme for 4th, 5th and 6th class students in the local and wider community
The school will hold an Open Evening/Information Evening for members of the local and wider community
The school will continue to arrange visits to local businesses
Local businesses will be invited to visit and make presentations to students
Students will continue to participate in work experience in the local and wider community as an integral part of the Transition year, LCA and LCVP programmes
Members of the community will continue to be invited to attend Local Committee meetings
Members of the community will continue to facilitate various initiatives such as talks, classes, courses, workshops and parent book clubs, as a means of promoting the education and development of parents and students
The school will continue to disseminate relevant information literature to parents and students provided by organisations in the community
The school will continue to invite Ballyfermot Community Guards to provide talks on the subject of substance misuse to 2nd year students
Students will participate in Social Inclusion Projects with South Dublin County Council
Information will be given to students about youth organisations and support groups within the community
The Adult Education Department will continue to offer a range of courses to the local community
The school will continue to work with and maintain links with outside organisations such as Family Scope/Base
To assist past pupils with professional development and further education
To continue to utilise the expertise and skills of past pupils, parents and BOM members to raise student expectations and standards in the school community
Students will engage with Clondalkin Youth Partnership and attend Careers Day and enrol for a Text information service regarding Senior cycle
Students will receive talks from all the local universities and I.T. s in order to encourage academic progression
Trinity College will inform students of the TAP programme – HEAR and DARE
The Samaritans will be invited to talk to all transition Year students

Aim: To uphold the sense of respect that already exists in the school and to
promote its development

Teachers will implement the newly amended Code of Behaviour in order to instil a sense of respect throughout the school
Community ethos will be promoted through the creation of an environment which includes all students, their parents/guardians and the wider community
To respect diversity
To promote respect for their surroundings and the environment
To develop the student voice through the student council and the local committee

Smart Target
To move from a paper based recording system to a digital one when implementing the newly amended Code of Behaviour

Action Plan
Efforts will be made throughout the year to embed the newly amended Code of Behaviour. The results of these efforts will be regularly reviewed at every staff meeting
All staff will receive training in the implementation of the new system
An award system is in place to recognise and encourage good behaviour
A sense of respect will be fostered within the student population through the relevant sections of the RE, CSPE, and SPHE programmes
The pastoral care system will promote positive citizenship ideas with a clear understanding of rights and responsibilities
The Student Support Team will be developed through the support of NEPS
Students will participate in our Annual Intercultural Week
Parents/guardians will be given opportunities to partake in various courses throughout the year to improve the community ethos
Green issues will be addressed in subjects such as CSPE, SPHE, Geography, Business Studies, etc
Students will be given the opportunity to be democratically elected the student council. Student council meetings will be held regularly and the student voice will be taken into consideration when developing policy
There will always be student representation on the local committee. Student representatives will attend local committee meetings and will act as a link between the student council and the local committee

Aim: To provide a happy and secure learning environment

To deliver an appropriate SPHE programme
To organise a pastoral care system within Pobalscoil Iosolde
To implement the Code of Behaviour
To implement the Anti-Bullying Policy
To implement the Substance Use Policy
To enable staff resolve conflicts with students more effectively
To ensure the safety of staff and students on school grounds at all times
To establish a Wellbeing committee in conjunction with the Student Support Team

Smart target
All visitors to the school will be readily identified as such by wearing a prominently displayed visitor badge

Action Plan
The SPHE Co-ordinator will arrange the topics to be covered for each term
Regular year head tutor meetings to discuss student progress and plan SPHE programme
Regular Assistant Principal and senior management meetings will be held
Regular Student Support Team meetings will be held
Year Group Assemblies will take place
The Code of Behaviour will be discussed at staff meetings, year head tutor meetings, assistant principal meetings and assemblies
Year heads and tutors will discuss the implement the Code of Behaviour with their tutor groups at regular intervals
Students will receive regular reminders with regard to the Code of Behaviour over the public address system
Regular staff briefings will be held
A prefect system will take place which involves senior students mentoring 1st year students in order to help them adapt to second level education
All bullying incidents will be investigated speedily using the school Anti-Bullying Procedure
All visitors to the school will be obliged to wear a visitor badge
Students will be instructed never to allow strangers access to the school building
Tutors/ Year Heads /Teachers will record student behaviour in VS Ware

Aim: To promote good mental and physical health of all students

To promote a positive attitude to self and life
To promote participation of students in a variety of physical activities
To develop coping skills
To develop resilience in the face of life’s vicissitudes

Smart Targets
All students will be informed of the support structures within the school
All students will know where to access the appropriate phone numbers to support them in their mental health

Action Plan
The pastoral care system will be utilised in promoting and instilling a sense of wellbeing in students
The Student Support Team will continue to meet on a weekly basis and deal with individual cases
SPHE modules will promote good mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing
Speakers will deliver talks to students and provide opportunities for open forum discussions on health issues
Students will engage in fundraising activities, thus increasing their awareness of people encountering difficulties in life
Counselling and support by members of the Student Support Team and an accredited Psychotherapist will be made available to students who need it

Aim: To increase the use of technology in all areas throughout the school

To actively promote the use of IT in the classroom with a particular emphasis on Assessment for Learning
To continue to provide professional development to teachers to ensure the optimal use of all the IT facilities within the school
Staff will continue to share expertise and resources in relation to the use of our new IT facilities
All teachers will become proficient in the use of VS Ware
Teachers will register students for each and every class in VS ware
Teachers will monitor student behaviour in VS Ware
To give parents/guardians access to VSware

Smart target
100% of staff will become competent in the use of the VSware system
To establish preferred communication system between the parents and the school in 2018-2019
To use ‘Office 365’ as a common methodology in the use of IT as a teaching and learning platform

Action Plan
Staff will be provided with training in good practice in the use of IT e.g. meeting time will be allocated to IT up-skilling, at subject meetings, resource meetings and at general staff meetings with a particular emphasis on Assessment for Learning
Subject folders will available for staff to share IT resources
Teacher will record student attendance for every class in VS Ware
Tutor will monitor student attendance in classes and report to Year Head
Email will become the primary mode of communication within the school. Staff will be directed to check their emails daily
To provide parents with access to VSware and ensure as many parents/guardians as possible are provided the opportunity to fully utilise the system through professional assistance
To train staff on various services available in ‘Office 365’ for Education

Review and Evaluation

All priorities, aims, objectives and action plans will be reviewed on an annual basis. Feedback from students, teachers and parents will be sought to evaluate progress. The process of establishing policies is ongoing and further work is being done in this area. Likewise, established policies will be reviewed and updated as indicated. Review and evaluation is currently undertaken in the first instance by the school Academic Advisory Council and recommendations are brought to the staff, students, parents and the Board of Management. The Board of management has ultimate responsibility for ratification.