Green School Committee

Green School Committee

A Green School’s Committee, made up of both students and staff, was set up in Pobalscoil Iosolde in Septemer. The aim of the committee is to make students aware of their environment and the need to reduce, reuse and recycle our waste.  Our target this year is to reduce our waste by 50%.

We hope to create a better and more pleasant environment for students, staff and visitors to our school.  Students have been encouraged to recycle paper, ink cartridges mobile phones and more bins have been placed around the school.  However, some students fail toco-operaate from time to time.  The Committee, with the approval of the Board of Management, decided to introduce a green detention for any junior student who

  • Chews gum in school
  • Writes on any school property
  • Throws litter around school property.

The initial sanction will be for a period of 20 minutes after school.  During this time a student will be expected to pick up litter, remove chewing gum and graffiti around the school.  If a student is detained again the length of the detention will be increased by 10 minutes