Educational Tours

School Policy on Outdoor Activities

Teachers organising out of school activities should ensure:-

a That the proposed trip be cleared with the  Principal
b That there are sufficient teachers to supervise the activity
c That satisfactory arrangements are made to supervise/teach vacated classes
d That the standard permission form be signed by parents (see copy on the following page)
e That adequate notice of the activity be posted on the Principal/Deputy Principal’s notice board one week prior to the event.   Details of substitution should be posted on the day before the trip.
f A list of all students taking part in the activity be posted up on trips noticeboard.

Out of School Activities – Parents’ Consent Form

Date of Trip __________________________  Destination  _______________________________________________


1 Students must behave responsibly and obey teachers and instructors at all times.
2 Respect the property of others at all times.  Be polite to people you meet, eg coach driver, instructors, shopkeepers, etc.
3 En route keep the coach clean as instructed.  Use the seat assigned to you on both the outward and return journeys.  Do not move around the coach while travelling.  You are responsible for damage to the coach and you will be liable to pay for it.  If you notice damage on arrive, report it to your teacher.
4 In accommodation you are responsible for damage to your rooms and you will be liable to pay for it.  If you notice damage on arrival, report it to your teacher.
5 General students must under no circumstances be in possession of or consume cigarettes/tobacco, alcohol or any other non-prescribed drug.  You should inform accompanying teachers, in writing, if your child is taking prescribed medicines.  Your child should only bring the minimum quantitiies needed.
6 Pupils should not bring any item which could endanger others.
7 Supervising teachers are authorised to take any step which they consider necessary to ensure the safety and comfort of participants.  This may entail searching pupils, referring pupils for urgent medical treatment, etc.

As it is not feasible to fully investigate alledged misbehaviour on a school trip, a student suspected of breaking the rules may be sent home early.
8 Parents are asked to provide contact telephone numbers, including where necessary, the name and number of an adult authorised to take responsibility for your child if you cannot be contacted.

Note:  Do not consider sending your child if you cannot be sure that he/she will abide by these rules.


I agree to the rules outlined above.

Signed _____________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian

Student’s Name ____________________________________________________________ Class __________________

Parent’s contact phone numbers (Day) _________________________________ (Night) __________________________