School Attendance Policy
It is school policy to ensure that students attend school regularly. Absence from school interferes with a pupil’s education. The procedure outlined below is followed by the school with regard to pupil absence:-
1 | The School Attendance Officer will contact parents/guardians of absent students each morning by text. If a student is absent he/she is required to have a note from a parent in his/her journal on the first day back. If a student has attended a doctor/dentist, a medical certificate/dental certificate should be presented to the tutor on return to school. Class tutor should write a note in the journal of those who fail to bring one stating that pupils will be sent to the Year Head the following day if an absence note/medical certificate is not produced. The Year Head will write a note in the journal stating that the absence note must be produced the following day before the student will be admitted to school. |
2 | The Attendance Officer/tutor will report any student with 8 or more days absence without medical certification to the Year Head. A formal letter informing the parents/guardians of this matter will be sent. |
3 | The Attendance Officer will report any student with 14 or more days absence without medical certification to the Year Head. The Year Head will inform the parents/guardians with a formal letter requesting that they make contact within 3 days with him/her. |
4 | If after this meeting further uncertified absence occurs the matter will be referred to the Deputy Principal who will place the student on an attendance contract. The Home/school Liaison Co- |
5 | Pupils are required to attend all assigned classes. A student arriving late to school receives a “late stamp” in his/her journal. A note from a parent/guardian is required in advance for pupils wishing to leave the school early. Signature should be verified by tutor during tutor period. The Principal/Deputy Principal’s permission must be sought before a student leaves the school early. Such pupils should sign out at a school office. Pupils failing to do this or those leaving the school premises for any part of the school day should be referred to the Year Head, who will contact parents. |
5 | The school is legally required to refer students who have more than 20 days absence to the National Education Welfare Board. |
If exceptional circumstances arise which would necessitate school absence by a student, the Principal/Deputy Principal should be informed of this prior to the absence by parent/guardian.