Career Guidance and Counselling
Pobalscoil Iosolde is fortunate to have a full-
The Career Service
The following services are offered by the Career Guidance Department at different stages of the students career in Pobalscoil Iosolde:
- Assessment Tests, differential Aptitute Tests, Careers Interest Inventories. These tests are used to determ: (a) whether students will need extra tutition in certain, (b) to establish what special aptitude students may have, (c) to help students to make informed career choices.
- Personal interviews with the Guidance Consellor for carer adviceA comprehensive library of careers/college information literature including videos and CD’s.
- A computerised catalogue of college information and personalised print outs of suitable career areas if desired by the student.
- Preparation for interviews and mock interviews
- Career talks, Fas visits, visits to universities and other third level colleges.
Students may refer themselves to the counsellor or may be referred by a tutor, year head or parent.