The Discipline Code is an important element of the pastoral care of students. It aims to support students in establishing boundaries, to maintain a safe, happy environment for everyone.
Stage 1 | ||
Student Behaviour | Staff Member | Consequences |
Student does not have note in his/her journal to explain his/her absence | Tutor | Warning. Tutor will request that a note be presented the following day. If a note is still not presented the student will be sent to the Year Head who will write a note in the journal stating that the absence note must be produced the following day before being admitted to school. |
Student has three or more lates in a given week | Deputy Principal | Detention for 40 minutes the following Monday after school. |
Student does not have journal | Tutor | Warning. Student is sent to Year Head for a temporary journal which must be returned to the Year Head the following morning at registration |
Student does not have books, copies, equipment, correct P.E. kit | Teacher | Warning. Teacher may: Give an appropriate sanction Inform parents via student’s journal. |
Student is late for class. | Teacher | Warning. Teacher may: Give an appropriate sanction Inform parents via student’s journal. |
Student is eating, drinking or chewing gum | Teacher | Warning. Teacher may: Confiscate food or drink Give an appropriate sanction Give a green detention. |
Student is wearing a non uniform item or is not wearing uniform correctly | Teacher/Tutor | Teachers/tutor will send students to Year Head. An incorrect item of uniform may be confiscated. Student may be withdrawn from class until in correct uniform. In exceptional circumstances, students may be admitted to school with an appropriate note from parents/guardians. Year Heads may not admit the student to school the following day if not in correct uniform. |
Junior student is wearing make- |
Teacher/Tutor | Student must remove all make- |
First instance of behaviour that interrupts learning, such as talking in class | Teacher | Warning Give an appropriate sanction Inform parents in journal |
Student misuses/defaces or looses books provided for the Book Rental Scheme | Year Head | Teacher reports matter to Year Head who will contact the parents and insist on the book being fixed or replaced. |
Student misuses/defaces journals |
Year Head | Teacher/tutor reports the matter to Year Head who will insist on the journal being fixed or replaced |
Journal is not signed | Tutor | Warning – |
Student has a mobile phone that is seen or heard in class or on the corridor. | Staff | Mobile phone,including sim card, is confiscated by the teacher for 1 week. If it is necessary for Year Head/Deputy Principal/Principal to confiscate the mobile phone, it is confiscated for 4 weeks. If a student refuses to hand the phone to the above, the student will be suspended. Mobile phone must be collected from the school office by a parent. |
Student is wearing jewellery. | Teacher | Teacher may confiscate the jewellery. Jewellery will be stored in the school office until a parent collects the item. |
Student speaks with disrespect to others. | Teacher | Warning. Student is to apologise to the person disrespected. |
Student does not have homework completed. | Teacher | Teachers may Give an appropriate sanction Inform parent in a student journal See Homework Policy. |
Stage 2 | ||
Student has more than 10 lates per term. |
Attendance Officer | Attendance Office refers student to Deputy Principal. Student will receive one detention for each subsequent late. |
Student receives 3 or more bad notes in one week | Tutor | Tutor may give an appropriate sanction and inform Year Head. |
Student persistently does not have books, copies, equipment in class, correct P.E. kit | Teacher | Teacher gives a written sanction. Informs parents via student journal. Informs Year Head via duplicate book. Year Head contacts parents. |
Student is persistently: Being disruptive in class Misusing his/her journal Eating,drinking, chewing gum in class |
Teacher | Teacher gives a written sanction. Informs parent via student journal. Informs Year Head via duplicate book. |
Student is persistently late for class. | Teacher | Teacher gives a written sanction. Informs parent via student journal. Informs Year Head via duplicate book. |
Persistent disrespect to others. | Teacher | Teacher gives a written sanction. Informs parent via student journal. Informs Year Head via duplicate book. |
Student goes to locker at an incorrect time or has no lock on the locker | Teacher | First occasion, warning given not to do so again or put new lock on locker. Second offence, reported to Principal/Deputy Principal. |
Student may have an inappropriate item on their person, in their bag or locker. Examples – |
Teacher and/or Year Head Deputy Principal Principal |
In the presence of another teacher, the teacher is authorized to ask the student to empty his/her bag and/or locker. This must be done without impinging on the student’s personal rights, privacy and human dignity. The health and safety of the whole student body is paramount. The item found would dictate the sanction given. |
Stage 3 | ||
Year Head receives three stage 2 notes from teachers for an individual student via duplicate book in 1 month. |
Year Head | One detention If student fails to attend the allocated detention, they will not be readmitted to school until a parent presents to the school with the student. |
Student persistently has no journal. | Year Head | Parent contacted and child not readmitted to school without journal or money for a new journal and a note from parent. 3 temporary journals in 1 month incurs detention |
Student is absent from class or leaves school without permission |
Year Head | Parent contacted by Attendance Officer/Year Head One detention of comparable length to absence without permission. |
Student is smoking on the school grounds. | Teacher | Report to Deputy Principal who contacts parents. Each offence warrants 1 detention. Persistent offences – |
Student engaging in serious disruptive behaviour | Teacher | Teacher may report student immediately to Deputy Principal who may remove the student from class. Student may not be allowed on any school outings for the remainder of the school year. |
Student presents to school not in full school uniform. | Tutor & Year Head & Class Teacher |
Student sent to Year Head/Deputy Principal Year Head may contact parent to make arrangements for student to be in correct uniform. Student may not be readmitted to class without full school uniform |
Students leave the school grounds during morning break (10.13- |
Deputy Principal | Teacher brings student to Deputy Principal. Student receives one detention. |
Student receives two detentions (6 stage 2 notes) |
Year Head | Parents contacted by Year Head and arrange an appointment to inform them of documented misbehaviour of student and impending suspension if further misbehaviours occur. |
Damage to property | Teacher | Depending on the severity of the damage, student must repair the damage and/or fully reimburse the school to replace or repair the damage. |
Public behaviour Inappropriate behaviour in public |
Teacher | Following an investigation, the Year Head/Deputy Principal may not allow the student on any school outings for the remainder of the school year. |
Interfering with another student’s locker, (eg using, defacing, vandalising, etc) or persistent misuse of student’s own locker. | Year Head | Year Head will: Contact parent Missing items will have to be replaced Locker may be removed. |
Any of the stage 3 offences | Year Head | Year Head may contact the parents and request an interview to inform them of the documented misbehaviour of the student. The student may also be placed on report. If no improvement, parents ma be requested to meet with Year Head. |
Stage 4 | ||
On- |
Discipline Committee Year Head Deputy Principal and Principal |
Meeting of Discipline Committee to review the behaviour and record of particular student. Committee then meets parent(s) and student. Recommendations may include: – – – – |
Serious sudden misbehaviour or damage to property, including total refusal to follow teacher’s instructions and/or use of abusive language |
All teachers report to the Principal or Deputy Principal | Immediate withdrawal from class. Interview with student and contact with parents. Subsequent scheduling of meeting with parents and student. Suspensions up to 3 days may follow. Student must redress the misbehaviour or repair the damage in an agreed way. Return to school may be dependent on specific conditions (eg contract, counselling, assessments, Board of Management referral). |
Student makes a serious false allegation about a staff member | Principal | Suspension Return to school dependent on specific conditions. |
Stage 5 | ||
Student engages in illegal behaviour, such as possession or use of illegal substances or major serious offence, such as threat of violence or actual physical/sexual assault on any member of the school community. *See Summary of Suspension and |
Principal and Board of Management | Immediate withdrawal from class, interview of student and contact with parents. The matter referred to the Board of Management with all documentation on the student. Parents are notified of the details and invited to attend the Board meeting and given an outline of further consequences including possible expulsion. If the Board decides to suspend for 6 or more days a report is sent to the National Education Welfare Board. If the Board considers the breach of a very grave nature,immediate expulsion may be considered. In the event of expulsion the Board notifies the parents of their right to appeal within 42 days. A report is sent to the NEWB |
A further misbehaviour after a meeting with the Discipline Committee *See Summary of Suspension and |
Principal and Board of Management | The matter is referred to the Board of Management with all documentation on the student. Parents are notified of the details and invited to attend the Board meeting. Board considers options, as to what is best for the student and other students in the school, up to and including expulsion. In the event of expulsion the Board notifies the parents of their right to appeal within 42 days. A report is sent to NEWB. |
I have read through the Pobalscoil Iosolde School Code of Behaviour and understand that it will help me have a positive school experience throughout the year.
I agree to adhere to the Pobalscoil Iosolde School Code of Behaviour and agree to the consequences should I fail to do so.
Student’s Signature __________________________________ Date _______________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___________________________ Date _______________
Good behaviour is necessary in order to make the school a place in which all students can learn safely and enjoyably. In order to achieve this, the following list of rules must be obeyed. They are based on two simple principles:
1) RESPECT Student must, at all times, show respect for themselves, their fellow students, all school staff and the school environment.
2) CO-
School Rules
I will attend school everyday.
If I am unable to attend I will bring in a note from my parents/guardians written in my journal stating the reason for my absence. This must be produced on the day of my return, even if my parents have been in touch with the school by phone.
See School Attendance Policy
I will come to school on time every morning and afternoon.
If I am late, I must report to the main office/attendance officer and receive a late stamp in my journal and then go directly to registration/class.
I will be on time for all of my classes.
Presence in School
I will attend all my assigned classes.
I will not go outside the school grounds during school hours except at lunchtime (l.05-
If I need to leave school during the school day (e.g. for a dental appointment), I will request permission from my teacher to report to the school attendance officer to obtain permission before leaving the building. I will present a note from parent/guardian in my journal requesting permission to leave at the arranged time.
Uniform, Books, Equipment
I will come to school every day in full school uniform with appropriate textbooks, stationery and equipment, including correct P.E. kit.
I must have a note in my journal to explain any exception.
I will not wear make-
I will not wear jewellery.
I must have a note in my journal to explain any exception, accepted at the discretion of the Year Head.
I must maintain all books received via the Book Rental Scheme in good condition.
I will come to school every day with my journal.
I will keep my journal in good condition.
I will have my journal on the desk at all times.
It must be signed every week by a parent/guardian. I must hand up my journal immediately when requested to do so by a teacher.
I must not deface either my own or another student’s journal.
I will use my locker only (a) before 8.45,( b) at small break, (c) at lunch time, (d) after school.
I will record my homework in my journal and complete it properly and fully as assigned.
*See Homework Policy
I will not bully or intimidate any other student or staff member.
If I am being bullied myself or I see any serious bullying incident, I will report the matter to one of the following: my teacher, tutor, year head, chaplain, guidance counsellor, parent, buddy.
All such reports will be treated confidentially.
I will eat/drink only in the canteen or outside the school building.
School Property, Litter & Graffiti
I am responsible for my own property. The school has no liability for any student’s property.
I will take care of school property and will share responsibility for keeping my classroom tidy.
I am responsible for disposing of my own litter in the bins provided.
Banned/Illegal Substances
Smoking in the school building or school grounds is illegal.
I will not bring cigarettes, alcohol, lasers or any dangerous or illegal substances, materials or equipment to school or any school related activities.
I will not smoke or take cigarettes/any illegal substance or drink alcohol in school or on school property or while in school uniform.
Mobile Phones
I will switch off my mobile phone/Mp3 player/ipod/digital media player etc. and keep them out of sight at all times except during lunch time. i.e. 1.05-
I am allowed to use the toilet at the following times:
(a) Before 8.43 (b) during break time
(c) during lunchtime (d) after last class
In exceptional circumstances a teacher may authorise the caretakers to allow me use the toilet outside the above times.
Public Behaviour
I will behave properly and correctly in public at all times, including when travelling to and from school and at lunch time.
I will behave properly and correctly when on school outings/trips